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5/3/1 for Powerlifting: Simple and Effective Training for Maximum Strength by Jim Wendler (2011) Paperback

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"5/3/1 for Powerlifting" by Jim Wendler is a comprehensive guide to strength training specifically designed for powerlifters. The program focuses on the essential lifts for powerlifting - squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead press - and utilizes a simple and effective method to help athletes maximize their strength gains. 

The program is centered around a four-week cycle where the athlete performs each lift for three sets of varying repetitions: five reps at 75% of the one-rep max, three reps at 85%, and one rep at 95%. The program also includes assistance exercises, conditioning work, and deload weeks to ensure proper recovery and progression. 

Jim Wendler, a former competitive powerlifter and strength coach, developed the 5/3/1 program based on his own experiences and is known for its proven track record of success. The book provides detailed explanations of the program, as well as tips on proper form, progression, and goal-setting for powerlifters of all levels. Description by ChatGPT.
"5/3/1 for Powerlifting" by Jim Wendler is a comprehensive guide to strength training specifically designed for powerlifters. The program focuses on the essential lifts for powerlifting - squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead press - and utilizes a simple and effective method to help athletes maximize their strength gains. The program is centered around a four-week cycle where the athlete performs each lift for three sets of varying repetitions: five reps at 75% of the one-rep max, three reps at 85%, and one rep at 95%. The program also includes assistance exercises, conditioning work, and deload weeks to ensure proper recovery and progression. Jim Wendler, a former competitive powerlifter and strength coach, developed the 5/3/1 program based on his own experiences and is known for its proven track record of success. The book provides detailed explanations of the program, as well as tips on proper form, progression, and goal-setting for powerlifters of all levels. Description by ChatGPT.
Product details
Language: English
Weight: 13.6 lb
asins: B00ZT22N72
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